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sport scholarships in
the United States 🇺🇸

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Do you want to continue playing your sport, but have the pressure of getting a university degree

A sports scholarship is the perfect choice for you


The best of both worlds

In the US, student-athletes pursue their university degrees while continuing to compete in their sport. The levels of competition range from amateur to professional.

Being a student-athlete is more accessible than you might think

Both in terms of sports and finances.


About uS

We are a team of former athletes and former college coaches from the US.

We want young athletes to experience this incredible opportunity.

All thanks to sports!


If you are new to the world of sports scholarships, here we tell you EVERYTHING you need to know...

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We connect student-athletes with universities and negotiate the scholarship alongside their families...

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  • What are the requirements to obtain a scholarship?
    The main requirement is that you practice a sport competitively. In the United States there are more than 2,000 universities that offer sports scholarships, providing access to all academic and sports levels (from amateur to professional). We invite you to complete our form and we will respond to you if you would apply for a sports scholarship:
  • What level of English should I have?
    Your level of English must be between intermediate and advanced, since you will have to take the language admission exams. It should be noted that some of our clients have begun to study the language intensively at the time of starting the process and have been able to pass the exams. Additionally, some of the coaches offer to support the athlete with English remedial courses at the university, depending on how attractive they are as an athlete.
  • When should I start the process and how long does it take?
    The starting months of classes are August and January. (If you graduate from high school this year, you must start classes next August). The athlete must choose a university with enough time to receive the admission documents and apply for the visa (approximately 3 months before the start of classes). As an agency, we recommend starting the process at least 6 months in advance.
  • What percentage of scholarship do they award?
    The number of scholarships available to coaches varies between universities. Coaches can divide the number of scholarships among the team members and it is not necessary that they give a full scholarship to each athlete, but rather they can offer a percentage of scholarship or partial scholarships. The amount of the scholarship for each athlete will depend on their sporting level compared to the sporting level of the university (each university has a different sporting level). Find out how much an average student with a sports scholarship pays at the link:
  • What expenses are incurred during the process?
    These are the expenses that you will need to make during the process: - Translation of notes - SAT and Duolingo/Toefl admission exams - Embassy expenses to obtain the visa - Registration in the United States sports entity These can add up to around $500 in the 6 months (approximately) of the process.
  • What type of visa do I need? Is it easy to obtain?
    To study in the United States, you will need the F-1 student visa. Once admitted, the university will send you a document called I-20. This document indicates that you have entered university and the amount you will be paying annually, including the sports scholarship. At this point, you will be going to the embassy with a document that certifies that a university in the United States has accepted you and wants you to study on its campus, so the visa process will be smoother than a tourist visa. We will tell you what are the most common questions asked in the interview.
  • How likely is it that you will get an athletic scholarship?
    It will depend on how good an athlete and how good a student you are. The more you excel in these two aspects, the greater your chances of obtaining a scholarship. It should be noted that if you get good grades at school (or university) and take good admission exams, you will be able to combine your sports scholarship with an academic scholarship.
  • If I am already studying at a university in my country, can I apply for a sports scholarship?
    Yes, and you will have two options: Transfer your courses (those that are accepted) and continue with the remaining years of your degree in the United States. Start the race again from scratch in the United States.
  • Is there an age limit?
    There is no age limit. There are universities that adapt to the needs of each athlete. The idea is to find the university that best suits each one.
  • Do I have to have good school grades to get a sports scholarship?
    The important thing to enter university is that you can achieve the required scores on the admission exams. Even so, as an agency we recommend that students in school get good grades. A good grade at school can lead to an academic scholarship that complements the sports one.
  • Am I good enough to get a sports scholarship?
    Absolutely. There are more than 2,000 universities offering athletic scholarships in the United States, providing access to all levels of athletics and academics. If you have been admitted to our program, we consider you an athlete with the ability to compete in NCAA or NAIA leagues.
  • Do you have any other questions?
    Do not hesitate to contact us through our contact section, our networks or our WhatsApp +51 904 668_11100000-000 0-0000-0000-000000000111_832.
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